DIY Mold Removal - Cleaning Products And Safety Procedures

First things first; why would you let black mold grow in your house in the first place? Taking precautionary measures is better and cheaper than removal. Let us list a few of the most common triggers and preventive measures of black mold growth.
- Places where there might be moisture, e.g. bathrooms, plumbing leakage, basements which flood, or cracks or holes in walls which might have moisture in them
- Reducing moisture by improving ventilation within the house or using dehumidifiers, especially during water related activities, like washing
- Finally, knowledge of weather changes and how they may affect mold growth
I agree that there isn't much that can be done to prevent black mold growth but even these measures can ensure black mold prevention. Alright, what if you already have a toxic mold problem; how do you deal with it?
Note should be taken that you should consider professional help if you are unsure, or at least wear the sufficient protective gear during mold removal, such as safety goggles, nonporous rubber gloves and disposable dust mask.
The best and the easiest solution to black mold removal is vinegar. Vinegar is a reliable disinfectant and is known to kill bacteria, germs and molds effectively. Pour or spray some distilled white vinegar on black mold and scrub off black mold, which might be present on any hard surface.
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Alternatively, you can also use three teaspoons of tea tree oil mixed in 3 cups of water to make an effective substitute and get on with the scrubbing.
Non-permeable materials are more of hassle comparatively, e.g. plastic, glass, rubber, etc. It is preferred that you seal the room with plastic sheets and tapes before you begin. Spray either vinegar or the tea tree oil solution on to the moldly surfaces and leave it for at least 24 hours. After you have waited for 24 hours, use your preferred detergent to wash the mold off.
During the cleaning processes, try to keep the mold wet as its releases airborne spores, which even though would die because of vinegar but might still cause allergic reactions. Once you are done, dry the area with a dehumidifier to prevent any future growth of mold. Dispose off the material you used for cleaning the mold by sealing it in a plastic bag.
Items like furniture are quite impossible to completely get rid of mold. Unless you are willing to put an extra effort and time to save that sofa which reminds you of someone special, it is wise and easier to discard it than saving it. Instead of moving the objects through the house to cause more mold contamination, it is better to flip them out the window.
If you are thinking of why to go through all this trouble to remove black mold rather than just use the chemicals to kill it, be assured that it can grow again in those places and even if not so, the dead spores can cause severe health issues in people with allergies and respiratory problems. If the area of contamination is large, it is advisable that you call for professional help.